Summer Cruising July 2016
Monday July 11, 2016 Cuttyhunk
We set off this AM at about 8:00 with perfectly flat seas – such a rare and joyful thing ! We are doing our first extended trip on Moondog, our 25 foot pocket trawler. Prior to this trip we did one overnight on her when when brought her home from Portsmouth NH, and just day outings since then. We decided not to take any ballplayers this summer so that we could have some freedom to things we have not done in awhile. When we got back from the Outer Banks – we had been non stop with a deep clean of the house, garages, and garden shed. I am talking 2 ½ weeks non stop, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM cleaning, clearing, and dump runs. We have spent the last week getting ready for this trip. You would think after all the time we have spent on boats, this would be an easy venture – but not the case. Because this is our first extended trip, we had allot to do to get the boat comfortable, provisioned, and properly equipped for open water cruising. We finally wrapped up at about 7:30 PM last night, and walked down to the boat this AM. Our final destination is Mystic Ct. where we will stay for five nights for a MTOA rendezvous. Tonight we are staying at Cuttyhunk. The last time we were here was in Oct. about 8 years ago when we were brining Sundance back to Fl. It was in Oct., it was cold, we had terrible seas, and at a speedy 5 to 7 knot slugfest, we did not get in till very late afternoon, just as it got dark. Today we left at 8:00 AM and were docked and off for a walk by noon time – there is something to be said about being able to go a bit faster than 7 knots.
It is actually weird here today – the marina is empty, but the mooring field is packed. We walked about three hours around the island, and have ordered lobster rolls for dinner tonight to eat on board. Tomorrow we are overnighting in Point Judith RI, then Wed. we arrive at Mystic. It was an awesome first day out, the sea gods were kind, Crew finally settled down, and docking was a cinch in this little boat. I will say when we were headed out I kept thinking SS Minnow and the theme form Gilligan’s Island was on my mind – but at least now, we can never say that we have not had perfect day on Moondog.
Monday July 11, 2016 Cuttyhunk
We set off this AM at about 8:00 with perfectly flat seas – such a rare and joyful thing ! We are doing our first extended trip on Moondog, our 25 foot pocket trawler. Prior to this trip we did one overnight on her when when brought her home from Portsmouth NH, and just day outings since then. We decided not to take any ballplayers this summer so that we could have some freedom to things we have not done in awhile. When we got back from the Outer Banks – we had been non stop with a deep clean of the house, garages, and garden shed. I am talking 2 ½ weeks non stop, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM cleaning, clearing, and dump runs. We have spent the last week getting ready for this trip. You would think after all the time we have spent on boats, this would be an easy venture – but not the case. Because this is our first extended trip, we had allot to do to get the boat comfortable, provisioned, and properly equipped for open water cruising. We finally wrapped up at about 7:30 PM last night, and walked down to the boat this AM. Our final destination is Mystic Ct. where we will stay for five nights for a MTOA rendezvous. Tonight we are staying at Cuttyhunk. The last time we were here was in Oct. about 8 years ago when we were brining Sundance back to Fl. It was in Oct., it was cold, we had terrible seas, and at a speedy 5 to 7 knot slugfest, we did not get in till very late afternoon, just as it got dark. Today we left at 8:00 AM and were docked and off for a walk by noon time – there is something to be said about being able to go a bit faster than 7 knots.
It is actually weird here today – the marina is empty, but the mooring field is packed. We walked about three hours around the island, and have ordered lobster rolls for dinner tonight to eat on board. Tomorrow we are overnighting in Point Judith RI, then Wed. we arrive at Mystic. It was an awesome first day out, the sea gods were kind, Crew finally settled down, and docking was a cinch in this little boat. I will say when we were headed out I kept thinking SS Minnow and the theme form Gilligan’s Island was on my mind – but at least now, we can never say that we have not had perfect day on Moondog.
Thurs. July 14 Mystic Seaport
Tues we had an easy trip down to Point Judith. Lew met us later in the day and took as took a great restaurant for dinner. Yesterday we were up early and arrived and were docked here at the Seaport by noon. We spent the afternoon getting the lay of the land, We then walked into town and ate an early dinner at the Ancient Mariner restaurant, followed by ice cream back at the Seaport. We have an awesome slip at the end of the seaport, with clear views of the water, and lots of privacy. Both last night, and again this AM we were able to walk all over the seaport once they shut down, and it was really like being transported back in time to an old seaport village. Today we walked about 3 miles round trip to the grocery in the blazing heat, then joined the rest of the group for happy hour and a potluck dinner.
Tues we had an easy trip down to Point Judith. Lew met us later in the day and took as took a great restaurant for dinner. Yesterday we were up early and arrived and were docked here at the Seaport by noon. We spent the afternoon getting the lay of the land, We then walked into town and ate an early dinner at the Ancient Mariner restaurant, followed by ice cream back at the Seaport. We have an awesome slip at the end of the seaport, with clear views of the water, and lots of privacy. Both last night, and again this AM we were able to walk all over the seaport once they shut down, and it was really like being transported back in time to an old seaport village. Today we walked about 3 miles round trip to the grocery in the blazing heat, then joined the rest of the group for happy hour and a potluck dinner.
Tues. July 18, 2016 en route Jamestown to Harwich Port
We left Mystic in time to make the 8:40 AM bridge and had a smooth trip down the Mystic river to the outlet. The trip started as advertised, winds around ten knots, 1 to 2 foot seas. As is all too common the case, the day quickly deteriroated and we soon found ourselves in 4 to 5 foot seas, with winds up to 25 knots. Jon ha d a pretty hard day at the helm to keep us steady, but did a great job and we finally pulled into Conanicut Marina on Jamestown around noon time. We were all pretty beat after the trip but found no respite at the marina due to high winds and lots of rocking rolling that continued into the wee hours of this morning. The situation was made worse by both the Conanicut courtesy boat launch, and the Jamestown – Newport ferry that were continuously in and out of the marina throwing up huge wakes. We did get a nice long walk in, and enjoyed our afternoon on Jamestown.
We were up an off this AM at7:00. 5 to 10 knots, 1 to 2 foot seas predicted. We were not happy that once out, we found the seas at 3 to 4 feet, by they were gentle swells and easy to glide on. Once we were in Vineyard Sound, we had a bit of chop, but not too bad. Now we are in a Nantucket sound with wind and current in our favor and should be home by noon.
I had a great idea this AM which is to bring Moondog donw to Florida this fall. We are planning on attending the Crisfield MTOA rendezvous on 9/25, so we could bring the boat there, then just continue on down and hopefully get to do the NJ inland waterway, and the dismal swamp. We then could take Moondog to the Bahamas this spring instead of Sundance. We can take Sundance to St. Augustine for the MTOA rendezvous in Apri lso that she will not feel neglected. After the Bahamas we can have Moondog shipped back up to the Cape for the Summer. It all makes perfect sense to me so stay posted – Moondog may be making tracks south this fall…….
Tues. July 18, 2016 en route Jamestown to Harwich Port
We left Mystic in time to make the 8:40 AM bridge and had a smooth trip down the Mystic river to the outlet. The trip started as advertised, winds around ten knots, 1 to 2 foot seas. As is all too common the case, the day quickly deteriroated and we soon found ourselves in 4 to 5 foot seas, with winds up to 25 knots. Jon ha d a pretty hard day at the helm to keep us steady, but did a great job and we finally pulled into Conanicut Marina on Jamestown around noon time. We were all pretty beat after the trip but found no respite at the marina due to high winds and lots of rocking rolling that continued into the wee hours of this morning. The situation was made worse by both the Conanicut courtesy boat launch, and the Jamestown – Newport ferry that were continuously in and out of the marina throwing up huge wakes. We did get a nice long walk in, and enjoyed our afternoon on Jamestown.
We were up an off this AM at7:00. 5 to 10 knots, 1 to 2 foot seas predicted. We were not happy that once out, we found the seas at 3 to 4 feet, by they were gentle swells and easy to glide on. Once we were in Vineyard Sound, we had a bit of chop, but not too bad. Now we are in a Nantucket sound with wind and current in our favor and should be home by noon.
I had a great idea this AM which is to bring Moondog donw to Florida this fall. We are planning on attending the Crisfield MTOA rendezvous on 9/25, so we could bring the boat there, then just continue on down and hopefully get to do the NJ inland waterway, and the dismal swamp. We then could take Moondog to the Bahamas this spring instead of Sundance. We can take Sundance to St. Augustine for the MTOA rendezvous in Apri lso that she will not feel neglected. After the Bahamas we can have Moondog shipped back up to the Cape for the Summer. It all makes perfect sense to me so stay posted – Moondog may be making tracks south this fall…….